Besides conventional methods of teaching, the Institution encourages experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies along with innovative pedagogical methods of teaching to enhance the learning experiences of students. 

Experiential Learning: The learning of students is enriched through experiential learning. The students have hands-on experience through internships; study Projects, field trips and so on. Experiential learning helped the students in the Department of Zoology to grow as entrepreneurs in the aqua sector. The experiential learning provides the students a chance to experience, reflect, conceptualize, and experiment and again experience in a cyclical fashion. 

Participative Learning: Students are actively involved and motivated to participate in community service to educate the public on viz., ODF, peace, various schemes of government, literacy programs, Aids, Consumerism and so on. This promotes real time, need based learning experience for students on current issues. By participating in the organization of student seminars, quiz programs, and teaching back sessions, they develop presentation skills, communication skills etc., which help for their all-round development. 

Problem solving methods: project based learning coupled with course based projects are popularly used techniques by various programs of the college for enhancing the competence of students in applying their understanding of the subject to solve real time issues. The departments of Zoology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Commerce guided the students in carrying out project work as a part of their curriculum.

Internship: It helps gain work experience with industries. The internship period ranges from 15 days to 45 days. Depending on the interest, students choose the industry and after successful completion of the period submit a report. These reports are assessed for award of degree and include external evaluation based on the report and performance in viva. Many students of this institution have been selected for IBM P-TECH PROGRAM which is an internship cum employment and education program. 

Project Based Learning: Academic Projects, field trips and field surveys are made a part of the curriculum and assessment. The sampling techniques, methodology of study, data collection tools and methods, analysis, testing and interpretation of information, report writing enhances practical based learning. The departments of Zoology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Commerce and Computer Applications guided the students in carrying out project work as a part of their curriculum.

LMS, Virtual Classrooms & Digital Classrooms: The College supports ICT-enabled teaching. Virtual teaching has been initiated and proved successful in offering students an opportunity to watch and hear the lectures on varied topics from experts. The Digital Classrooms have fully and successfully exploited the audio and video sources of learning. The students of the institution actively used LMS videos kept available by the Commissionerate of College Education, Govt. of A.P.

Best Practice-1 Student Centered Learning in NAAC Format

SCL – Reports on Activities

SCL – Activities of the Departments