CIA plays a pivotal role in teaching-learning process. All the departments adhere to the resolutions made in the staff meeting  with respect to internal assessment in the college. The dates of the internal exams and syllabus for the same are announced in advance as per the department minutes recorded in the register. For long, we have been following Bloom’s Taxonomy in the preparation of the mid exams question papers. Essay and short answer questions are given for testing remembering and understanding skills. Objective-type questions are included in the question paper for testing application and analysis of the contents learnt. Student-centric activities like quiz, seminars, peer teaching , study projects, group discussion, debates etc., and field visits are also conducted and organized with active involvement of students, thus creating a broader scope for the students to evaluate different contexts and come up with new ideas in and out of academic contexts. Thus, different cognitive levels of the students are borne in mind while conducting internal assessment.

Internal exams are conducted as per the schedule of the affiliating university with or without minor changes in the dates. Without scope for any malpractice, subject lecturers are involved as an internal squad. Further, the answer scripts are corrected and distributed in the class within a week, clarifying the doubts of the students on One on One basis while giving required feedback to them. Dept. minutes registers, question papers, blue prints, and answer scripts are available in the departments. Click to read more