CONVENTIONAL (up to 2022-23)

Maths, Physics &       Chemistry

Intake - 30
Medium - English
Year of Starting - 1975
Duration - 4 Years

Botany, Zoology & Chemistry

Intake - 30
Medium - English
Year of Starting - 1975
Duration - 4 Years



Intake - 50
Medium - English
Year of Starting - 1972
Duration - 4 Years

History, Economics & Social Work

Intake - 30
Medium - English
Year of Starting - 1972
Duration - 4 Years

RESTRUCTURED (up to 2022-23)

Maths, Physics & Computer Science

Intake - 50; Medium - English
Year of Starting - 2001; Duration - 4 Years

Computer Applications

Intake - 50;Medium - English
Year of Starting - 2008; Duration - 4 Years

5 SINGLE MAJOR PROGRAMS in line with NEW EDUCATION POLICY 2020 are introduced in the college from 2023-24 academic year

BSc Hons Computer Science

Intake - 40

Medium - English

BSc Hons Zoology

Intake - 40

Medium - English

B.A. Hons Economics

Intake - 40

Medium - English

BSc Hons Chemistry

Intake - 40

Medium - English

B.Com Hons Computer Applications

Intake - 60

Medium - English

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Implementation Proceedings