The College regularly evaluates the performance of its students through various methods for measuring the attainment of the Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes.

In strict compliance with the objectives of Outcome Based Education (OBE), the Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course Outcomes (COs) are framed by the departments concerned after deep consultation with all faculty and stakeholders. Once they are approved in the Staff Council, they are shared to the students, and explained by the faculty.  Later they are placed in the college website and displayed at each department, library and classrooms. 

CO-PO Attainment Process

Process of Calculating COs Attainment:

COs attainment is evaluated through, Direct and Indirect Attainments.

Direct Attainment: 

Direct Attainment for a course is calculated considering Internal and External exams. Direct attainment of CO is calculated considering 15% of internal marks, 10% of marks awarded to Quiz/Assignment/seminar/ Projects etc., and 75% of external marks. CO direct attainment=[(0.15*(Average of internal marks of the CO/15) +(0.1*Average of Assignment/ Quiz marks)+(0.75*(Average of external marks of the CO/75)] For practical courses, project work and one external examination are conducted.

Indirect Attainment of CO: 

Indirect attainment for a course is calculated from the feedback taken at the end of each semester, from the students who attended the course. The levels of accomplishing the outcomes of each course are considered to be point 4 for substantial, 3 for good, 2 for moderate and 1 for low. The assessment is done from the responses given by the students using the following formula. CO indirect attainment = (4*A+3*B+2*C+1*D)/(4*(A+B+C+D)) where A, B, C, and D are the number of students choosing substantial, good, moderate and low options for the corresponding CO. 

CO attainment: CO attainment of a course is evaluated considering 90% of direct attainment and 10% of indirect attainment.

COs and POs Mapping

POs are attained through program specific Core Courses. Each Course addresses a subset of POs to varying levels (strengths) (1, 2 or 3). Strength of mapping is defined at three levels: Low (1), Medium (2) and Strong (3)A simple method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO. If >40% of classroom sessions address a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3. If 25% to 40% of classroom sessions address a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2. If 5% to 25% of classroom sessions address a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1. If < 5% of classroom sessions address a particular PO, it is considered that PO is not addressed.

PO Attainment

PO attainments are normalized to 1, that is, if a PO is addressed at the level of 3 and attainments of CO associated with that PO is 100%, then attainment of that PO is 1. Thus the average of the attainments of relevant COs is computed and this value is then scaled by the mapping strength.

POs Attainment Sheet – BA

POs Attainment Sheet – BCom General

POs Attainment Sheet – BCom CA

POs Attainment Sheet – BSc. BZC

POs Attainment Sheet – BSc. MPC

POs Attainment Sheet – BSc. MPCs

Evaluation Process: Since the Institution is an affiliated college, the Program Outcomes, and Program Specific Outcomes are assessed with the help of Course Outcomes through direct evaluation process which is split up into semester-end examinations conducted by the affiliating university, terminal examinations, class room assignments, home assignments, student-centered activities like Quizzes, Student Seminars, Group Discussions etc., conducted by the Institution as a part of Continuous Internal Assessment. The faculty records the performance of the students in terms of the marks attained and the same is kept available on the college website for all the stakeholders. To help the slow learners pick up, Remedial Coaching is also conducted twice a year.

Methods of Measuring Attainment:

  1. University Examinations: The affiliating university conducts semester-end examinations for 75% for all language and core courses, and for 100% for all Life Skill courses and Skill Development courses. Through these university exams, program outcomes are measured by the Institution based on the course attainment level fixed for the program. It’s a direct evaluation process.
  2. Internal & External Assessment: Internal examinations are conducted for 25% by the Institution. Internal assignments, student seminars, and other student-centered academic activities are mostly aligned with the program outcomes of the subject concerned. External assessment is done for practical exams through viva voce and practical files by the subject experts appointed by the affiliating university.
  3. Internships/Project work: Students are motivated to take up project work and internships, and students’ attainment of course outcomes in the respective course is measured, based on their project report and performance in viva voce. Assessment in the internships is carried out by the respective organizations or institutions, and only if the student’s performance meets the attainment level fixed by them, he/she will be awarded internship completion certificates.
  4. Placements: An important program outcome for an under-graduate student is placement upon the completion of the program. The Institution has an established placement cell which focuses on skill enhancement training through certificate courses in four important areas and organizes placement drives on and off campus. 
  5. Higher Studies: Another important program outcome for an under-graduate student is higher education. The departments offer coaching and guidance for PGCETs and encourage the students to seek higher education in the respective subjects. 

POs Attainment Calculation up to 20-21