Extension activities are planned and executed for the mutual benefit of the community and students leading to the students' holistic development. Students are sensitized on social issues in the neighborhood community. While the issues of general nature are addressed by NSS, Red Ribbon Club, Consumer Club, Eco club and Women Empowerment Cell, the domain related issues are taken up through the departments concerned. Some of the major issues addressed through the college extension activities are: poverty, extremism, blood donation, diabetes, early aging, lack of patriotism, AIDS, Swachh Bharat, women's issues, women health care, consumer rights, voter awareness, cultural awareness, intellectual property rights and environmental issues. Their impact at the end of each activity is constantly reviewed. There are 2 NSS units. The Institution involves the boys and girls in a planned manner to organize need based outreach programs for community wellbeing. Faculty are involved as Program Officers, coordinators and Resource persons.